Wednesday, February 16, 2011

INSPIRATION ALERT: Well Worn Theatre Company

Love this story from Soweto, South Africa about theatre engaging young people (and older ones too!) in science and environmental studies.

The Well Worn Theatre Company, led by Kyla Davis, is founded on a strong environmental ethos.  Their current play, Pollution Revolution, teaches kids in schools about the tenets of environmentalism: reduce, re-use, recycle.
Davis said: "We want to inspire a new generation of South Africans to learn new habits and get them to guilt their parents into adapting their lifestyle (to be more socially and ecologically responsible).
You can read the full article here.

I love the energy that this company exudes, especially in their mission statement:
Well Worn is your dose of chaotic creativity in an increasingly uber-clean, sterilized, character-less, brand-spanking-new, made-in-elsewhere, air-conditioned world that we lately so often find ourselves surrounded by.

Do you know of other theatre companies bringing environmentally aware art into the classroom?  If so, tell us about it in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Delighted to find our work being admired from so far away. Thank you for your kind words and support.
