Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chelsea's Festivity-Wide Eco-Challenge!

Here's a great and inspiring idea from Planet Connections Assistant Manager Chelsea (Green Initiatives/Charity Outreach) about a way that we, as a Festivity, can collectively make a positive impact on the environment!

Going green can seem terribly overwhelming.  It's natural to wonder: how does anything I do possibly make a dent in any of these problems?  
However, one website made me feel a little less insignificant: www.onemillionactsofgreen.com.
This site not only sums up your impact on the environment, but creates a community of individuals and organizations who are trying to make a difference.  For the first time we can track and see the fruits of our labor.  We can create challenges for a group (for example... Planet Connections!).  We can choose a lifestyle change - even if it's only for a week - and see the collective progress we've made.  It illustrates how these small choices can cumulatively make a big difference.

Need some inspiration?  Here are current stats from the website:
Total Acts of Green

Greenhouse Gases Saved
23,564,037 KG

This is equivalent to:
  • taking 4,992 cars off the road for an entire year
  • planting 23,564 trees
  • replacing 871,868 light bulbs
Each costume and prop we recycle, each decision to use the Soda Stream instead of getting a soda can, each piece of scrap paper re-used - multiply that by the 40+ productions and reading in the Festivity....
Can you see where I'm going with this?

I'm sure we could top any group on the website (my competitive streak is showing).  Now increase that by the number of people working on each show, branch out to our charity partners, and now include our audience members...  We could definitely make a dent in those One Million Acts! 
ACTION ITEM: Now all we have to do is sign up! I've created a group named Planet Connections Festivity, which you can join after you log in. 
Suggest your eco-challenges to the Planet Connections Festivity Group in the comments section below!  

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